When do you update?

I must confess – I’m a terrible updater, so I update whenever I can get to it. I work a full-time day job and come home to a man, a child, and a cat, so … yeah.

If you’re on tumblr, you can follow my comic blog – I post updates there. Or, just as easily, you can follow the comic on tumblr itself.

How do you make your pages?

For the older pages, I drew them in pencil, scanned them in, and colored them in Photoshop. That quickly became more cumbersome than I liked, so now I use Procreate to draw, ink, and lay the flats / basic colors for the pages, and then I use Clip Studio for other colors/fonts/text -formatting/etc. Much faster, and takes up way less space.

What is your content rating?

Mostly, the comic will hover around PG-13 territory, but it will occasionally delve into darker themes. So, PG-13 to R, due to violence, language, nudity, and sexual themes. It won’t be (what I consider to be) obscenely graphic, but your mileage may vary. Also, I’m personally not a fan of trigger warnings before every single piece of darker content (though I understand their usefulness for those that are affected by such), so please, once again, take this as a general warning if you choose to read.

Did you have an old sketch-comic version of your story online?

Yeah, I did. If you go looking, you’ll find them, but they’re not particularly relevant anymore and are probably misleading.